The main reason why my heart is full is the recent news that I heard from my sister Brytten and the CHD world. One of the precious little girls that belonged to Teagan's heart group returned home to our loving Heavenly after her body rejected her transplant that she received when she was a baby. Precious Mia was only 4 years old and was on her to way to Disney World with her family when she got sick. My heart breaks every time I hear of a heart angel but this one hit me a little harder because while looking at her picture that my sister had posted, I suddenly realized that I had met her. A little while ago I went to help my sister at Heart Camp where a lot of heart families go every year to bond with the other heart families. While the heart parents attended a meeting, I had the opportunity to be in charge of a group of the little kids. In that group was cute little Mia and I remember her standing out to me. She wanted me to help her with the activities that we were doing and I remember her asking me to get her a drink. When I brought back her drink, she looked up at me and just smiled and said thank you. At Heart Camp I remember thinking she was just an adorable girl who had this wonderful spirit about her and a girl that I would see again at another heart function. Unfortunately, I won't be seeing her at another heart function but I am happy that she is now in such a wonderful place with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
This sad experience has made me extra grateful for miracles even if the miracle doesn't get to last very long. I am so grateful that my nephew Teagan is doing so well in his heart journey right now and pray that things will continue to go well for him. Teagan is a miracle that has blessed our family in more ways than one. Along with Teagan, I would have to say that my family has also been blessed with two other miracles Mason and Scout. When Mason was born, I was so excited to be an aunt and looking back I am grateful for the miracle of a healthy nephew. Mason is now 7 years old and is such an amazing brother to Teagan. Scout is another new miracle in our family. Yes, she was also a healthy baby like Mason was but she is a miracle in her own way. We weren't quite sure when we would get to meet her since my wonderful sister had such a challenging time getting pregnant but when we heard that my sister was pregnant, I knew it was a special blessing. I feel honored to be Teagan's, Mason's, and Scout's aunt Coke and I hope to have many more miracles to come in our family.