Sunday, June 5, 2011

Oops! I found More Pics...

I am sorry but before I post about our Memorial Weekend, I found more Disneyland Pics that I wanted to share!!! Sorry if there are any repeats!!

If you can't tell, I really love Disneyland...
People found this pic to very impressive..I memorized where they took the pic which is quite impressive because it is dark the whole time until the flash...

This is what Trevor will look like when he is an old man and has sun damage...
This is what I will look like as an old woman...scary

We love churros...

Trevor didn't want to be apart of the group...

You would never know it but there is a family right behind us...

Check out the Nascar guy..he was neat...

My biggest fear is Hippos and this was at the airport to welcome me...

Trevor didn't want to be in the pic...


  1. I want to go back!! So much fun! Thanks for the pics...
    Much Love

  2. hey! yeah, I served with Elder Wortley in Asheville,NC. I was a Spanish missionary. -"Elder Fisher"

  3. thanks for keeping the trip alive! mauh!

  4. Hey I was able to leave a comment! Now I can't stop!

  5. All I want to say is I WANT A CHURRO NOW! :) Looks like you had a blast! I hope all is well!
