Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Time to Celebrate!!!!

I can't believe it but I have finished another semester of school and well I just think that is something that deserves celebrating! The semester ended yesterday and today was a near perfect morning!!  That is because I actually got to sleep in and wake up the same time that Trevs did!!  I made mini pancakes (the microwave kind that my gma used to always make for the grandkids...they hold a special place in my heart) then we got to leave the house at the same time!! I loved it!!

 I can't believe all of the things that have happened over the last little bit, some good and some filled with lots of stress but lets talk about the good!!! Hmm...Well Trevor turned another year older! To me the highlight of his birthday was the magazine present that I made him but he would probably say his new gun! haha  We went to a rodeo for my dad's birthday and we also were able to take a break from life and head on a cruise to the Western Caribbean with our BFFs the Bartons, it was so much fun and so warm!!  My sister and mom helped me out a ton when they spoke at my Relief Society meeting..thanks again you two!!  They did such an amazing job which I knew they would!! Before we knew it Thanksgiving was here and we were able to spend time with our wonderful families!  Now it's time to get ready for Christmas and enjoy the break!  I am all sorts of excited!!  I can't wait to see Chels and Matt, I have missed them and Chels, Brytten, and I just have some wonderful holiday traditions that I can't wait to start....Christmas Vaction, Maples Sister Jam Session, and well you get the idea!

 This is the magazine that I made for Trevor's birthday inside I had family and friends write articles about him!  Thanks to everyone who participated!

On the day of my grandma's birthday we wrote messages on balloons and let them go...still can't believe she is gone
 Just on the boat and the fun was just beginning!!
 Dinner time...Oh yeah and did I mention i cut my hair?!  Brytt is so talented!

 Fancy night...

 Awkward stairs pose...
At the beach...

 We rented scooters and rode them around the island...our helmets look so great
 This pic was teaching Heidi how to take pics..always make sure you include the shoes

 So we made a fun game where any time they asked us to take a pic we had to say YES! and well anyone who has been on a cruise...they ask a whole lot ha ha 
The pics were so funny...please remember that we are happily married to MEN while looking at this pic 

 Look close...Trevor wrote a message in my amazing dessert

 Ooops these pics should appear before the cruise....My hair didn't suddenly grow dramatically after

"I Believe in Miracles" such a wonderful night...Thanks Brooke and Avery for coming 

 Happy Thanksgiving...

 Pay attention to T's face in the next few pics...

 Yep didn't really change haha he had so much fun with the pics..his face reminds me of Zoolander
 During the Thanksgiving break we went to try a new Fro Yo place..Orange Leaf is still number 1
PS This is how the wind storm affected us... no worries no damage just a lot of fallen trees that wind storm was crazy!!!